First Aid Level 1 Course

The class notes for course CCFA3071 "First Aid Skills Level 1".

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(28/8/06) Please be noted that the CCFA 3071 (lev 1) section 3 class will be held on Wednesday 30/8/2006. Please bring along a piece of tudung to the class.
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  • Course Outline (Microsoft Word)
  • Intro to First Aid Notes(Microsoft Word)
  • Human Anatomy I Notes(Microsoft Word)
  • Human Anatomy II Notes(Microsoft Word)
  • Wound, Bleeding and Shock Notes(Microsoft Word)
  • Class Notes
    Please be noted that the notes provided may not be sufficient enough. Please consult your trainers for any confusion regarding the notes.
  • Course Outline
  • Introduction to first aid
  • DR ABC
  • Human Anatomy
  • Circulatory System
  • Nervous System
  • Respiratory System
  • Skeletal System
  • Muscular System
  • Wound, Bleeding and Shock
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    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    Nausea and Vomiting
    Nausea is an uneasiness of the stomach, which may or may not lead to vomiting.
    These are symptoms of diseases rather than diseases themselves.

    v Viral and bacterial infections like colds and flu’s ,
    v Food poisoning ,Over eating and indigestion,
    v Certain smells and odors,
    v Intense pain, High fever, Emotional stress (like fear or excitement), Motion sickness , seasickness, and dizziness, Exposure to toxins (poisons, chemicals) ,
    v Blocked intestine (rather uncommon, and usually found in early infancy), Appendicitis,
    v Head injuries, like, concussions, migraines, brain injury etc

    Sign & Symptoms
    v If it occurs right after a meal : indigestion, an ulcer, or a mental disorder (such as bulimia)
    v One to eight hours after a meal : indicate food poisoning. Diseases like salmonella may take several days before any nausea is felt.

    v In many cases both nausea and vomiting can be controlled to some degree.
    v If feeling nauseous
    v Try and control or stop the feelings.
    v Drink clear or cold drinks
    v Eat light simple foods, like saltine crackers, which don’t have a strong taste or odor. Avoid sweet, greasy, and fried foods. Do not mix hot and cold foods.
    v Drink beverages slowly and take small sips
    v Do not brush your teeth right after eating

    If you already feel nauseous and want to avoid the unpleasantness of vomiting
    v Drink small amounts of sweet clear cool liquids, like ginger ale, fruit juice. (Avoid citrus as they are too acidic), Sweet liquids are good for calming the stomach.
    v Eating cool sweet things like Popsicles but not too many as the condition may worsen.

    If you do get sick
    v In most cases vomiting is harmless, but sometimes it can indicate or even cause problems
    v lookout for signs of dehydration, especially with children.
    - Dry lips or mouth - Increased thirst
    - Decreased urination - Sunken eyes
    v Rapid breathing or pulse

    v Consult doctor if:
    v Vomiting goes on for longer than one day (or if they are very young and it continues for a few hours)
    v There is blood in the vomit.
    v If the vomiting is occurring because of a known injury, like head trauma
    v The person acts confused, lazy or lethargic, and is less alert than usual.
    v They have a fever of over 102 Fahrenheit
    v Vomiting, diarrhea, severe abdominal pain are present

    When there isn’t enough blood flowing to the brain. The unconscious spell is usually brief
    - Emotional and/or physical shock - Dehydration
    - Pain - Overexertion
    - Heart diseases - Sudden changes in body position
    - Insufficient fluid and food intake.

    First Aid Treatment
    v If a person feels faint/weak/lightheaded/dizzy/nauseous),
    v Have them lie down on their back with their feet elevated above the level of their heart (about 8-12 inches), or have them sit with their head placed down between their knees.
    v Loosen any tight clothing and jewelry especially around their head and neck.
    v Check airway and breathing whether normal or not.
    v If breathing stops then the situation becomes more serious and you should try to get medical help as soon as possible.
    v Do not try to give the person anything to eat or drink

    v If victim vomit, turn the person onto their side.
    v If suspect a head, neck, or spinal injury get medical help as soon as possible and do not move the person unless absolutely necessary.
    v If the person does not regain consciousness within 2 minutes call 911 or get other emergency medical help.
    v If the person is older (over 40) contacting a doctor or calling 911 may be in order to make sure it was not a heart related problem.

    Heat Exhaustion
    Heat exhaustion is similar to, and often follows, dehydration.
    It is a form of volume shock, i.e, the lack of fluid causes the blood vessels, especially in your arms and legs, to constrict. However this is a non-life threatening illness.
    Exhaustion is a greater loss of electrolytes whereas
    Dehydration is a greater loss in fluids.

    exposure to hot weather / or drop in body fluid levels .

    - Sweating - Increased pulse and respiration
    - Pale and clammy skin - Fatigue
    - Nausea and vomiting - Slightly lowered or elevated temperature
    - Exhaustion - Lightheadedness and dizziness
    - Possible heat cramps - Feeling thirsty

    v Give sports drink or oral dehydrations solution (ORS). Drink fluid slowly, as the body will absorb it better.
    v Take a good long rest before continuing activities; if symptoms seem severe, seek a medical professional.
    v If the person is suffering from heat cramps a slightly salty drink (sports drink or ORS) and stretching the muscle should ease them.
    v If it return discontinue the activity you are doing for the rest of the day.
    v If heat exhaustion is not properly treated, it may become Heat Stroke, which is deadly.
    v If the person’s temperature goes above 103° then treat them for heat stroke!


    v Exposure to hot weather / or drop in body fluid levels.

    Symptoms :
    Early or mild dehydration: Moderate to severe dehydration:
    Extreme thirst Fainting
    Flushed face Convulsions
    Dry, warm skin Low blood pressure
    Weakness Less sweating
    Headache Severe arm, leg, stomach, and back cramps
    Dry mouth with thick saliva Bloated stomach
    Decreased coordination Sunken ‘dry’ eyes
    Fatigue Lack of skin elasticity
    Smaller appetite Very few tears (when crying)
    Impaired judgement Dizziness that worsens as you stand and move
    Small amounts of dark yellow urine

    Treatment :
    v Give the victim more liquids than usual, but in small doses, (Water, sports drinks, and oral dehydration solutions (ORS)
    v The drinks should be sipped slowly. Chilling the liquids can help, as it can prevent internal body temps from becoming to high and progressing to heat stroke.
    v Rest victim in the shade and should not resume activities until urination becomes normal (pale yellow and clear), and the other symptoms of dehydration disappear.
    v In cases of severe dehydration, get the person to an emergency room, as untreated dehydration can lead to death.
    v If a person who is severely dehydrated can drink, they should still be given the ORS and water.

    Blister happen when the skin outer layer separate from the inner layer dan body fluid gather in or between the skin due to repeated rubbing and friction. Blisters will also form more easily on skin that is warm and moist.

    First Aid Treatment
    v Clean the surrounding blister with antiseptic liquid or medicated soap.
    v Press the blister slowly with pad or tissue paper to help body absorbed back the fluid.
    v Bandage with plaster with padding big enough to cover the whole blister area .
    v If the blister is too big, avoid from puncture or break the skin.
    v If the blister tear, clean the area with antiseptic cream/solution. Donot remove the loose skin
    v Use plaster or bandage to cover the affected.

    v Avoid products containing Neomycin, which is known to cause allergic reactions
    v Infected blisters : Pus draining from the blister , red or warm skin around the blister or Red streaks leading away from the blister.
    v Treatment : Go to a doctor to receive the proper treatment.

    Drying out of the capillary membranes that cause nosebleeds.

    First Aid Treatment
    v In most cases the common nosebleed is fairly easy to stop, and no medical help is needed

    Stopping the common nosebleed:
    v Using a clean cloth, tissue or sterile gauze, pinch the nose together at the nostrils and firmly apply pressure towards the face.
    v Holds like this for at least 8 minutes, or until the nose stops bleeding.
    v Have the person lean forward slightly or sit up straight.
    v Do not let the person lean back, or blood may flow into the windpipe.
    v Keep the head above the heart, or in other words, don’t let the person lie down. If they must lie down try to keep their head elevated at a 45 degree angle.
    v Apply crushed ice in a bag or cloth to nose and cheeks. Make sure the ice is in a bag or cloth because direct application may cause frostbite to skin.
    To prevent the nose from bleeding again :
    v Rest with your head elevated at a 30- 45 degree angle, or keep your head higher than your heart
    v Avoid medications, which will thin the blood (such as aspirin).
    v Try not to sneeze. If must sneeze, open your mouth to allow the air another way to escape to avoid upsetting the nose.
    v No straining, heavy lifting/pulling/pushing.
    v Try to keep to a “cool diet” for 24 hours. Avoid hot liquids.

    Minor Burns

    First-degree burn The least serious burns are those in which only the outer layer of skin (epidermis) is burned. The skin is usually red, with swelling and pain sometimes present. The outer layer of skin hasn't been burned through. Treat a first-degree burn as a minor burn unless it involves substantial portions of the hands, feet, face, groin or buttocks, or a major joint.
    Second-degree burn When the first layer of skin has been burned through and the second layer of skin (dermis) also is burned, the injury is termed a second-degree burn. Blisters develop and the skin takes on an intensely reddened, splotchy appearance. Second-degree burns produce severe pain and swelling.
    If the second-degree burn is no larger than 2 to 3 inches in diameter, treat it as a minor burn. If the burned area is larger or if the burn is on the hands, feet, face, groin or buttocks, or over a major joint, get medical help immediately.
    Treatment For minor burns,
    including second-degree burns limited to an area no larger than 2 to 3 inches in diameter, take the following action:
    Cool the burn. Hold the burned area under cold running water for at least 5 minutes, or until the pain subsides. If this is impractical, immerse the burn in cold water or cool it with cold compresses. Cooling the burn reduces swelling by conducting heat away from the skin. Don't put ice on the burn.
    Cover the burn with a sterile gauze bandage. Don't use fluffy cotton, which may irritate the skin. Wrap the gauze loosely to avoid putting pressure on burned skin. Bandaging keeps air off the burned skin, reduces pain and protects blistered skin.
    Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. These include aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), naproxen (Aleve) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). Never give aspirin to children or teenagers.
    Minor burns usually heal without further treatment. They may heal with pigment changes, meaning the healed area may be a different color from the surrounding skin. Watch for signs of infection, such as increased pain, redness, fever, swelling or oozing. If infection develops, seek medical help. Avoid re-injuring or tanning if the burns are less than a year old — doing so may cause more extensive pigmentation changes. Use sunscreen on the area for at least a year.

    Don't use ice. Putting ice directly on a burn can cause frostbite, further damaging your skin.
    Don't break blisters. Broken blisters are vulnerable to infection.
    Signs and symptoms of sunburn usually appear within a few hours of exposure, bringing pain, redness, swelling and occasional blistering. Because exposure often affects a large area of your skin, sunburn can cause headache, fever and fatigue.

    Treatment for sunburn:
    Take a cool bath or shower.
    Apply an aloe vera lotion several times a day.
    Leave blisters intact to speed healing and avoid infection.
    If needed, take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), naproxen (Aleve) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others). Don't give children or teenagers aspirin. It may cause Reye's syndrome, a rare, but potentially fatal, disease.
    If your sunburn begins to blister or if you experience immediate complications, such as rash, itching or fever, see doctor.
    Eye emergencies

    Eye emergencies include cuts, scratches, objects in the eye, burns, chemical exposure, and blunt injuries to the eye.

    Since the eye is easily damaged, any of these conditions can lead to vision loss if left untreated.
    Occasionally, serious damage to the eye itself occurs from the pressure of the swollen tissue. Bleeding inside the eye can reduce vision, cause glaucoma, or damage the cornea.
    Head injury
    Foreign object in the eye
    Chemical injury
    Blow to the eye (direct trauma)
    Eyelid and eye cuts
    Corneal abrasion

    Eye pain
    Loss of vision
    Decreased vision
    Double vision
    Redness -- bloodshot appearance
    Sensitivity to light
    Cuts or wounds
    Itchy eyes
    Pupils of unequal size
    Stinging and burning
    Sensation of something in the eye

    Take prompt action and follow the steps below :
    The eye will often clear itself of tiny objects, like eyelashes and sand, through blinking and tearing. If not, take these steps:
    Tell the person not to rub the eye. Wash your hands before examining it.
    Examine the eye in a well-lighted area. To find the object, have the person look up and down, then side to side.
    If you can't find the object, grasp the lower eyelid and gently pull down on it to look under the lower eyelid. To look under the upper lid, you can place a cotton-tipped swab on the outside of the upper lid and gently flip the lid over the cotton swab.
    If the object is on an eyelid, try to gently flush it out with water. If that does not work, try touching a second cotton-tipped swab to the object to remove it.
    If the object is on the eye, try gently rinsing the eye with water. It may help to use an eye dropper positioned above the outer corner of the eye. DO NOT touch the eye itself with the cotton swab.
    A scratchy feeling or other minor discomfort may continue after removing eyelashes and other tiny objects. This will go away within a day or two. If the person continues to have discomfort or blurred vision, get medical help.
    Leave the object in place. DO NOT try to remove the object. DO NOT touch it or apply any pressure to it.
    Calm and reassure the person.
    Wash your hands.
    Bandage both eyes. If the object is large, place a paper cup or cone over the injured eye and tape it in place. Cover the uninjured eye with gauze or a clean cloth. If the object is small, cover both eyes with a clean cloth or sterile dressing. Even if only one eye is affected, covering both eyes will help prevent eye movement.
    Get medical help immediately.
    Flush with cool tap water immediately.
    Turn the person's head so the injured eye is down and to the side. Holding the eyelid open, allow running water from the faucet to flush the eye for 15 minutes.
    If both eyes are affected, or if the chemicals are also on other parts of the body, have the victim take a shower.
    If the person is wearing contact lenses and the lenses did not flush out from the running water, have the person try to remove the contacts AFTER the flushing procedure.
    Cover both eyes (even if only one eye is affected) with a clean dressing, and avoid any rubbing of the eyes. Even if only one eye is affected, covering both eyes will help prevent eye movement.
    After following the above instructions, seek medical help immediately.
    If the eyeball has been injured, get medical help immediately.
    Gently apply cold compresses to reduce swelling and help stop any bleeding. DO NOT apply pressure to control bleeding.
    If blood is pooling in the eye, cover both of the person's eyes with a clean cloth or sterile dressing, and get medical help.
    Carefully wash the eye. Apply a thick layer of bacitracin or mupirocin ointment on the eyelid. Place a patch over the eye. Seek medical help immediately.
    If the cut is bleeding, apply gentle pressure with a clean, dry cloth until the bleeding subsides.
    Rinse with water, cover with a clean dressing, and place a cold compress on the dressing to reduce pain and swelling.

    Do Not:
    DO NOT press or rub an injured eye.
    DO NOT remove contact lenses unless rapid swelling is occurring, there is a chemical injury and the contacts did not come out with the water flush, or you cannot get prompt medical help.
    DO NOT attempt to remove a foreign body that appears to be embedded in any part of the eye. Get medical help immediately.
    DO NOT use cotton swabs, tweezers, or anything else on the eye itself. Cotton swabs should only be used on the eyelid.
    DO NOT attempt to remove an embedded object.
    Call immediately for emergency medical assistance if:
    There appears to be any visible scratch, cut, or penetration of your eyeball.
    Any chemical gets into your eye.
    The eye is painful and red.
    Nausea accompanies the eye pain.
    You have any trouble seeing (such as blurry vision).

    posted at 10:37 AM  
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