The class notes for course CCFA3071 "First Aid Skills Level 1".
This box is for the anouncements made by trainers. Be sure to relay the messages to your classmates. Thank you.
(7/8/06)I have some complaints about the download section. I will look at this matter, please be patient. I'll try to rectify this problem. Thank you. ~admin
(7/8/06)The links is ok now!
(28/8/06) Please be noted that the CCFA 3071 (lev 1) section 3 class will be held on Wednesday 30/8/2006. Please bring along a piece of tudung to the class.
(28/8/06) Attention to the students of CCFA 3071 (lev 1) section 5, the next class will be held on Tuesday 29/8/2006. Please bring along a piece of tudung for practical use.
This side was set up to assist the students and teachers alike for the International Islamic University of Malaysia skill course - 'First Aid'. I would like to remind you that this is not the official page of the course.
If there's any question, you are welcomed to relay it through the comment section.
This information is not intended as a subtitude for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or formal first-aid training. Don't use this information to diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or desease without consulting a qualified health care provider. If you're in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation, seek medical assistance immediately. is not responsible for any injury or death caused by referral of this site.